• CS graduate and Adept Full Stack developer, With Focusing responsive design, accessibility and pleasing aesthetics.

    Hello, I'm Tyler Duncan Sotubo

    A software developer based in London. I develop full-blown web applications using the PERN & MERN Stack. I've been building websites since 2020 with a focus on responsive design, accessibility and pleasing aesthetics.

    I have worked with a number of clients, ranging from small startups to FMCG, creating websites and web applications. I have developed web apps across multiple industries including e-commerce, education, and finance.

    My Projects

    Take a look some of my featured projects

    Lyrics Plug

    This is a lyrics website, built using the M.E.R.N Stack, Data is fetched from the backend API built using Express Js and MongoDB. Client and Admin side are built using Next Js and Redux Tool Kit for state management. Admin can upload, edit and delete songs from the admin dashboard. Songs are uploaded to Cloudinary and stored in a MongoDB database.


    Full Stack Ecommerce website built using the P.E.R.N Stack, the client side was built using Next Js and Redux Tool Kit for state management. Data is fetched from the backend API built using Express Js and PostgreSQL, Product images are stored in an Amazon S3 Bucket, Products are uploaded from the admin dashboard built using Next Js and Redux Tool Kit for state management.

    PowerZone Gym


    Smirnoff Party

    Global Client Smirnoff's project for the Smirnoff "NoknownAddress" Party Campaign. The website was built using the P.E.R.N Stack. The wesbite focus was to allow users to register for the party with email address and instagram handle. The backend API was built using Express Js and PostgreSQL. Registered users were stored in a PostgreSQL database and Welcome Email sent with NodeMailer

    Artists Profile API

    This is an Open API built using Express Js and PostgreSQL. The project is till in progress. The aim is to build an API that can be used by artists to create their profile and share their work.


    Latest Blog posts

    • blog post

      February 2024

      Building a Tic Tac Toe App with React.js

      A Step-by-Step Guide 2024 to building a Tic Tac Toe game with React.js

    • blog post

      February 2024

      Building a Tic Tac Toe App with React.js

      A Step-by-Step Guide 2024 to building a Tic Tac Toe game with React.js

    • blog post

      February 2024

      Building a Tic Tac Toe App with React.js

      A Step-by-Step Guide 2024 to building a Tic Tac Toe game with React.js

    Contact Me

    Lets Talk Ideas

    Write me a message👇

  • © designed & built by Tyler Duncan Sotubo